5 Tips to Prepare for a Beach Family Photoshoot


As a South Florida photographer, I get a lot of requests for beach family photoshoots. I am located on the east coast of Florida--a mere 10-15 minute drive to the beach. So, when a family wants to book a photoshoot on the beach, I do a little happy dance!

When it comes to preparing for a beach family photoshoot, you want to make sure you know how to prepare. And, knowing what to bring, and how to prepare can make your beach session all that much smoother.

In this post, I'll be chatting about 5 tips to prepare for a beach family photoshoot. With 10+ years of photographing families on the beach, I've learned a thing or two. And, I'm excited to boil it all down to 5 easy tips to make your beach family photoshoot a success! 

Choosing a Location

  • Lighting and Time of Day

    I’d like to begin here. Because, to a photographer, lighting is key. If you don’t nail the light, it could result in lack-luster photos. My favorite time of day to shoot at the beach is sunrise or an hour before sunset. The sunrise and sunset can vary at different times of the year. For instance, in the summer, it sets as late as 8:15 pm! And in the winter, it sets closer to 5pm. Wondering what the best time for sunset beach photos are? I’ve got a great blog resource about that here. 

  • Consider the Environment

    You can go two ways here with beaches in Florida—those with rocks and those without rocks. Get a feel for what you have in mind when you think about a beach family photo session. Are you wanting to have a wide open sandy environment? Or, would you prefer some added texture and interest to your photos by way of rocks? 

  • Accessibility

    Not all beaches are equal in terms of getting close to the water. Some beaches have rocks that make the ground very uneven. And a potential hazard to those who are unsteady on their feet. An example of this is the House of Refuge in Stuart. Be mindful of those in your family who may be unable to trek over the rocks.

  • Parking

    Another thing to consider is parking. Again, I’ll pick on the House of Refuge. Because when it comes to the parking lot, it’s small. And cars whiz by at lightning speed that it makes backing out scary at times!

  • Restroom Access

    The next thing to consider is if you think you’d need a restroom or a shower. Guess who I’ll mention again here. You guessed it…House of Refuge. Sadly there are no restrooms. And no showers. But, it sure does make for a great spot for family photos, so long as you’re able to overlook those things. Check out a session that I photographed at House of Refuge here!

  • Permits and Fees

    Most of the locations that I shoot at do not require any permits or fees. But, a handful in the Palm Beach area do. So, it’s something to consider when choosing a location. The client would be responsible for paying any permits or fees to shoot. 

Choosing Outfits

  • Coordinate But Don’t Be Matchy-Matchy

    Gone are the days of dressing everyone in matching outfits! Instead, you can choose colors that are complementary to one another. I have a great wardrobe guide that every client has access to after they book. My wardrobe guide helps so much with this because it lays all the pieces out together for one cohesive look. 

  • Start with Mom’s Outfit

    Choosing mom’s dress first, then style everyone else around what she wears. I remember when we had our family photos taken, I had the boy's outfits all picked out. Then when it came time to choose my outfit, I was backed into a corner. I found a really beautiful dress that I wanted to wear, but it didn’t coordinate with what I had chosen for the boys. So it was back to the drawing board for myself. Don’t do this! It’s much better to choose something that you love first. And then coordinate everyone around your colors.

  • Soft, Neutral and Muted Tones

    When it comes to choosing colors to wear on the beach, keep it light. Neutral, soft, muted colors work best for my style of photography, especially on the beach. Soft pinks, creams, tan, soft blues, soft greens can work great. Stay away from bright colors. I know that here in Florida, Lilly Pulitzer is super popular. But, in photos, the fluorescent colors cause color casts on the skin. And they distract from the subject of the photo.

  • No shoes, No Problem

    The great thing about taking your family photos on the beach is that you don’t need any shoes! Well, at least you won’t for the photos. Barefoot on the beach is most perfect. A convenient pair of flip-flops are great to slip on. But for photo-taking-time, we will kick ‘em off and embrace the sand and sea!

Preparing the Family

  • Talk with Your Kids

    I have found with my four-year-old that if I tell him in advance what is going to happen, he is much better at accepting it. Surprises can backfire! So, explaining step by step what is going to happen is so helpful. I often tell clients to tell their kids that a “friend” will be taking their pictures!

  • Pack all the snacks/toys

    I highly recommend feeding your kids a good snack or a meal beforehand. You can also bring non messy snacks like gummy bears or smarties. Make sure that you remember to bring water…because…Florida! 🙂If you’re bringing a baby, the beach is a very interesting place and there’s lots to look at. Bringing a favorite rattle or toy can help get your baby’s attention when it comes time to take a formal portrait.

  • Prioritize Rest

    Choosing to work your session between naptime and bedtime is ideal. If you have young kids, consider putting them down a little bit earlier the night before. A little extra rest never hurts! And, make naptime a priority the day of. But, don’t stress if your baby/toddler/child won’t nap. Even a few minutes of quiet time can help. 

    Preparing Mom

  • Send Photos of Your Beach Outfits to Your Photographer

    Should my clients need a second opinion, I always encourage email me a photo of their wardrobe. About a week or so before your beach family photoshoot, I’ll send out a questionnaire. You’ll have the opportunity to share what you plan on wearing. Make sure your outfit is ironed and everything looks good. Choose nude undergarments. 

  • Prepare Well the Night Before

    Lay out all of your outfits the night before so that you’re not scrambling the day of. Don’t forget to pack a towel and a change of clothes for the kiddos…I can’t promise that the kids won’t get wet! :)  

  • The Day Of Your Beach Session

    Keep your schedule super light on the day of the session. Plan on hanging out at home. Keeping things relaxed will help you not to stress. Give yourself some extra time to get ready for your beach session. You’ll want to be sure that you apply a little more hairspray than you normally would. Because, the beach can be very windy. Toss your hairspray in your bag and bring it in case you need a touchup. Apply some extra hairspray if you need it, because the beach can be windy. And, while you’re at it, pack some bug spray too. Summertime in Florida is “noseeum” season. Noseeums are tiny little bugs that bite–you can’t see them–hence their name. They are a menace but bug spray can keep them at bay.

The Day of Your Beach Family Photoshoot

  • Embrace the Fun

    All of my family sessions are meant to reflect the joy of motherhood. I strive to keep everything lighthearted and fun. Mom: it won’t matter if the toddler has a meltdown in the car or spills something on their outfit. Kids always follow mom’s mood :) 

  • Embrace the Weather

    Florida can go from sunny one minute to rain the next. Alot will depend on whether or not the rain will stick around or just be a quick shower. In any event, I’ll be watching the weather closely the day of the session and let you know if we should adjust things. Many times, if storm clouds are building, I may suggest that we move the session up a couple of hours. This will ensure we have adequate lighting. As mentioned earlier, the wind can be a factor at the beach. If gusts are an issue we can always adjust…or just roll with it!

  • Embrace the Sand

    Something you may not know about the beaches in Florida: the sand is STICKY. It has a way of just sticking to your skin so much so that you’ve gotta really scrub to get it off! Some children do not like putting their feet in the sand, so be prepared ahead of time. Pro tip: sprinkling baby powder on your feet easily removes sand! Throw it in your bag!

Conclusion: 5 Ways to Have a Successful Beach Family Photoshoot

Be sure you choose the right beach for your session. Sandy beach vs. Rocky beach. And, consider the time of day you’d like to have your beach session. Sunrise vs. Sunset. Consider parking and accessibility. Do you have members in your family that you need to consider? Or, does anything go?

Choose to wear muted, neutral colors to your beach family session. Prepare your family well by talking to the kids about what will happen, prioritizing naptimes and working around bedtimes. Don’t forget the snacks! The day of your session, be ready to have fun and embrace the sand and sea!

Wanna see what my family session experience is all about?


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